Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Portal Turret Plushie

After Portal 2 was released recently, a fan decided that he wanted his own turret from Portal, but instead of it being made of metal and pain, he made one out of fabrics and love. And by love I mean wires and batteries.

"When I finally got around to playing Portal, I was a bit surprised at how much the Internet loved the companion cube. Sure, the cube is pretty great, but in my mind it pales in comparison to the turrets, the real scene-stealers of the game. In fact, they inspired a Veruca Salt-esque covetousness in me.
I wanted one.


And, of course, it just wouldn’t be the same if it didn’t talk…"

It's not just a simple plushie, it has sensors in it which detect if someone is there or not, if the turret is picked up or if the turret has fallen over, whilst playing the sounds taken from the game. 

To visit the blog of the creator (Jonathan), click here, it has a video of the turret working, more pictures and even the source code for making it.


  1. I thought that was a synthetic vagina when I first saw it...

  2. Interesting, I love Portal!

  3. Very cool, the world needs some more crazy robot-creators

  4. looks like a headcrab from half-life

  5. The fact that it actually has sensors is just awesome. Double want.

  6. It's not working for this one.

  7. Send it over right away!

  8. On the first glance, it looked pretty awkward... :D

  9. holy....need. Need right meow.

    Did he make it with at least a little pain?

  10. Plushie is awesome, loved portal 2!

  11. that looks awesome dude, keep up the good work!

  12. Awesome post man! Keep up this great blogging work!

  13. I need that to match it with my Tron Legacy helmet.
