Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Radiation Dosage Chart

Now, I know this isn't really that geek-related, but did you know that if you ate 1,000,000 bananas you would die of radiation poisoning? Of course that's if you could eat that many bananas without giving up or vomitting so much you died, but that isn't the point.

This chart explains the different amounts of radiation given off from different objects, including bananas, plane journeys and more. I also read on a different chart that sleeping next to another person gives you half the amount of radiation that a banana does, so make sure you stay on the safe side and do what I do, sleep alone and have no human interaction, especially with females. 


  1. thats quite interesting.
    radiation is everywhere
    everyone is exposed to small amounts of it

  2. I saw this chart before, it's quite elaborate and fun to read. Thanks for sharing this!

    Will follow for more posts :)

  3. I like bananas, but not that much

  4. I wonder how much radiation is admitted through CAT scans and other xray machines =/

  5. Wow that was very interesting. Radiation is more important now because of our new type of life.

    Following (:

  6. im scared of radiation. good blog. go on!

  7. i think we'll be able to avoid radiation problems in future

  8. following this great blog!

  9. think about that a lot, too. Makes you wonder...?? Radiation badge.great.
