Sunday, 1 May 2011

The GameCube Fusion

Seen here looking like what would happen if a PSP had a child with a Wii, is the GameCube Fusion, a portable GameCube.

"First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone on the GC-FOREVER forums that helped and supported me along the way to this point. Without all of you, none of this would ever have been possible. Also a big thank you to everyone from the three major portablizing forums for your help and support! That being said, One unit is done!! I must admit, even though there have been some unforeseen "bumps in the road" getting it here. It turned out pretty Dang drool-worthy and I'm 100% happy with it."

I can't explain how much I would have wanted this when I was younger, even more than I would have wanted a portable Nintendo 64. To read the entire forum post with more pictures, click here.

Skip to 7:00 to see him loading Legend of Zelda and not actually playing it.


  1. Does look kinda' cool if you ask me.

  2. Sick!
    Look great, really.

  3. I absolutely adore all the portable mods that have been made to consoles. Some of the wii laptops, etc.

    This one is possibly the best i've ever seen, it just looks so nice!


  4. I wish I could buy this awesomeness!

  5. shit just got real. lol i want this

  6. this thing is so awesome. i hate how people are complaining about how bulky it they not realize what it is?!

  7. Damn, i wish that i had one like that! :D

  8. I think I'd actually have finished Skys of Arcadia were it portable. Very cool.

  9. I'm more of a console gamer but that looks great!

  10. WAy cool man!
    +1 for more gadgets!

    Check out my blog at!

  11. I hate when people make this stuff, because then I'll know that I will never own one.
