Wednesday, 23 November 2011

26-Pound Gummy Bears

Abnormally large gummy bears are nothing new and are as popular as naked celebrity pictures, but if you haven't even heard of the 5 pound gummy bears, you're in for a treat, possibly literally if you exclude diabetes and weight gain. Vat19 is now selling 26 pound gummy bears which has an empty belly acting as a bowl with the capacity of over 1 litre (which I assume you vomit into after eating the bear's head). This gummy bear weighs approximately 7280 small, ordinary gummy bears.

"Need an epic centerpiece for your next party? Look no further than the Party Gummy Bear. This 26-pound candy beast ensures that your shindigs have no equal.

Imagine the shock of your party goers when they realize that your 32,000-calorie gummy bear also features an integrated one-liter serving bowl! Serve punches, candies, or even more gummy bears from within this seventeen-inch-long confection."

They come in blue, green orange and red and can be yours from the low, low price of $200! Click here to view the product page, alternatively if you haven't got $200 to waste but have a bizarre love for gummy bears (the sticky kind of love) you can buy 30 pounds of normal gummy bears for $90.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Humble Bundle

If you haven't heard of this by now, I feel bad for you. The Humble Bundle is a collection of games which you can get for any price you want, the price you pay is split between a couple of charities, several indie game developers and the website itself. The bundle includes Voxatron Alpha, several old games by the creators, Gish, and two more recently added games Blocks that matter and The Binding of Isaac) have been added on to the collection. There is only 2 days left to buy the Humble Bundle, and if you pay more than the average price of currently $5.25 you get two more awesome games. To buy all the games individually would cost around $35.

"Pay what you want. If you bought these games separately it would cost around $35 but we are letting you set the price. All of the games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux."

To buy the game bundle (which can also be redeemed on Steam!), click here.

Of course if you don't want to donate to charity and indie game developers you can always play the demos for a couple of the games in the bundle. The Binding of Isaac demo and the Blocks That Matter demo.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Super Mario Themed Wedding Invites

These are custom handmade Super Mario themed wedding invitations made by Larry T Quach for Esther Tanouye and Ryan Watkins, and of course, they are only one of the many things you can do with an old NES cartridge (spoiler alert, this one is much worse).

As well as the invitations, there were also Question Mark Blocks given out to guests at the end of the wedding along with golden (chocolate) coins inside. Guests were also given a piece of card allowing them to choose which food menu they wanted (Vegetarian or not).

For more, higher quality images including the menu option, click here.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

New Games As Old NES Cartridges

72Pins, is a (not so well known) company which basically sells NES cartridges. The unique 'service' they provide is that they put new popular game stickers on the front of the cartridge and try to rip people off $20 each, now I'm not going to say this is a bad idea, but this is a bad idea. Despite this, each cartridge sells for $20 (not forgetting $14 for shipping), and depressingly many of the cartridges are out of stock.

I'm not going to lie, the artwork for some of the cartridges genuinely look really nice, but you could just print one of the stickers off and put it on a NES cartridge for under $10, alternatively you could remember that they serve absolutely no purpose and keep your money.

Visit their site to view more new games on old games or to buy these for just under $40 each. That made sense, right?