Abnormally large gummy bears are nothing new and are as popular as naked celebrity pictures, but if you haven't even heard of the 5 pound gummy bears, you're in for a treat, possibly literally if you exclude diabetes and weight gain. Vat19 is now selling 26 pound gummy bears which has an empty belly acting as a bowl with the capacity of over 1 litre (which I assume you vomit into after eating the bear's head). This gummy bear weighs approximately 7280 small, ordinary gummy bears.
"Need an epic centerpiece for your next party? Look no further than the Party Gummy Bear. This 26-pound candy beast ensures that your shindigs have no equal.
Imagine the shock of your party goers when they realize that your 32,000-calorie gummy bear also features an integrated one-liter serving bowl! Serve punches, candies, or even more gummy bears from within this seventeen-inch-long confection."
Imagine the shock of your party goers when they realize that your 32,000-calorie gummy bear also features an integrated one-liter serving bowl! Serve punches, candies, or even more gummy bears from within this seventeen-inch-long confection."
They come in blue, green orange and red and can be yours from the low, low price of $200! Click here to view the product page, alternatively if you haven't got $200 to waste but have a bizarre love for gummy bears (the sticky kind of love) you can buy 30 pounds of normal gummy bears for $90.