Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Humble Bundle

If you haven't heard of this by now, I feel bad for you. The Humble Bundle is a collection of games which you can get for any price you want, the price you pay is split between a couple of charities, several indie game developers and the website itself. The bundle includes Voxatron Alpha, several old games by the creators, Gish, and two more recently added games Blocks that matter and The Binding of Isaac) have been added on to the collection. There is only 2 days left to buy the Humble Bundle, and if you pay more than the average price of currently $5.25 you get two more awesome games. To buy all the games individually would cost around $35.

"Pay what you want. If you bought these games separately it would cost around $35 but we are letting you set the price. All of the games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux."

To buy the game bundle (which can also be redeemed on Steam!), click here.

Of course if you don't want to donate to charity and indie game developers you can always play the demos for a couple of the games in the bundle. The Binding of Isaac demo and the Blocks That Matter demo.