Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Greetings From Rapture

Qwertee is selling the shirt "Greetings From Rapture" just in time for Bioshock Infinite, made by user Brandon_Wildelm. You have around 28 hours left to buy this shirt so I recommend buying it now before it's gone forever, I've already bought it. Along with Bioshock Infinite.... And Gears of War Judgement.... And a year of Xbox Live.... I've spent way too much on games this month. Money well spent.

Click here to visit Qwertee.


  1. The Big Daddy should be in a different color :/

  2. Damn.. went to buy it and it's gone lol

  3. nevermind, checked again and it's on a different page.. £2 more though :(
